If you want to buy something, e-mail JaguarX
'cause he's in charge of the money.
Item Shop:
These are the current items. More will be added soon.
50 zeni - Some Food - helps recover a day faster (depending on the
size of your ki)
280 zeni - Giant Fish - recover in one day (depending on the size of
your ki)
500 zeni - Motorcycle - Get to your destination twice as fast (become
absolute in DBZ)
30 zeni - Plane Ticket - Reach Boudaki Tournament in a few hours.
230 zeni - Turtle Shells - Rather expenisive because they are so rare.
Gain PL 3% faster! Stats 1% faster!
Weapon Shop:
These are the current items. More will be added soon.
free - stick - Just a stick
100 - staff - A wooden Pole
300 - sword - An iron sword
500 - steal breaker - the strongest sword type